
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Guest Post Palooza: Ashley from 5ohWifey

Welcome to Guest Post Palooza Day 2! Today I'm enjoying time with Noland's family at Disney World Day 2! But no worries, with this fabulous Guest Post Palooza, I have Ashley from 5ohWifey! So show her some love!
Hey y'all! My name is Ashley and I blog over at 5ohWifey: life as a mommy and cop's wife. I am SO SO thankful to be posting on Jenna's lovely blog today.
I am amazed every day by what God is doing in my life. I am a southern girl now living in California against my will. I am the wife of 5ohHubby who is a police officer and wonderful man and no that's not mutually exclusive. I am a stay at home mom to an amazing little girl I call 5ohBaby and she is my whole world. We have probably the cutest, ugly dog out there (5ohPup).
I have a BA from Florida State (Go Noles!) that started out as an English Degree, ended up a social science degree, and is now being used as a MRS degree (because I don't work now... see how I did that?) Basically I paid FSU lots and lots o' cash to meet the man of my dreams and be the back up plan in case 5ohHubby decides his days of runnin' and gunnin' are over and he'd rather be a stay at home dad (and all the police wives laughed).
I want my blog to be a place where we can laugh together, cry together, and just be real with one another. I think I'm funny, and sometimes other people do, too.
I try to blog about what I know. I love to blog about faith, life as a police wife, parenting, mommy style and fashion, DIY projects and recipes. I try to keep it as real as possible. I blog about everything from holding on tight to my little one to the time I accidentally fed her jalapenos. I write about both the joys and the stresses of being in a police marriage. I love to cook and even make my own baby food. Sometimes I get a little crafty and dabble in fashion posts.
As we speak we are traveling with the most adorable little girl out there.
But... she isn't always a happy baby.
 I'm not usually one for apologizing for my daughter. She's a baby and baby's cry. But then again we're not usually stuck on a 5-6 hour flight across the country with unseasonably grumpy travelers. What's a stressed out mama to do?
Make them goodie bags, that's what.
I knew I wanted to make goodie bags for other passengers as soon as I knew we were taking this flight. So I did what any mama would do. That's right. I scoured Pinterest for ideas and I found these awesome printables. I loved the idea but I needed to add two little things to prevent the other passenger's ears from bleeding make the other passengers even more sympathetic to our travel plight.
Two little kisses and two earplugs. Hopefully our neighbors and flight attendants will have mercy on two travel weary parents feel much more comfortable sitting near us.
The tag reads as follows:
she may be good
she may be bad
we're sorry if she makes you mad!
hope this makes your flight a little sweeter!
Hopefully this flat out bribery gained us some sympathy!
Come on over and check out my blog. I'd love to get to know you!


  1. Love Ashley! :) Her little gift for all the people on the plane....too freaking cute!!

  2. What an awesome idea!!! I don't have kids, but I'll have to keep this mind when I do... love it!

    Happy New Year (in a few days)!!

    megs [at] Shine On
