
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

34 weeks...Almost

I'm 34 weeks tomorrow. 
So crazy.
Here I am being goofy.
How big is the babe? : Well I'm not sure but last time they measured my stomach, it was 32 inches. I'm big and uncomfortable.

Weight gain : About 20 lbs. I feel like I see many women who are this far along and they look like they are about to pop. I don't look like that.. just got a belly. I guess I'll give it a few more weeks then maybe I'll be there.

Stretch marks : None. I must have good genes

Cravings : Oatmeal creme pies. You know, the Little Debbie ones. The other day I almost bought some more but then I saw pie crust and decided to bake an apple pie. It turned out well. I've definitely been craving plenty of sweets.

To do before baby arrives : Well, I still have to pack the hospital bag, get organized and ahead in grad school work, take a birthing class or research more about labor and delivery...

Discomfort : Yes. Yes & Yes. Having a hard time sleeping when I want to. I'm constantly thirsty and then 5 minutes later I have to go to the bathroom. I might go buy some gum today, I hear that helps with dry mouth. Although, I'm not sure if I have dry mouth or just extreme thirst. I am definitely getting the right amount of daily water intake.
Also, my legs are constantly sore, must be the extra weight gain. And my hands and feet are swollen especially upon waking up. I'm wearing my wedding ring on a necklace. Hopefully the sore-ness & swelling goes away after birth.

How's the hubs? : He is such a gem. He has been so patient with me and my mood swings. And most of all he is so excited to meet our little guy. I can't wait to see him in action as a proud pops.
Well, almost there and can't wait!

In other news... Did you watch the Olympics? I'm not going to lie, some of it was boring. But I enjoyed gymnastics, swimming and track. Diving was on way too much but that is a whole other story. They played this song when showing some gymnastics re-plays on Sunday... I love it.

Home by Phillip Phillips.

That's it for today.
Thanks for stoppin' by!
xoxo. Jen
PS. Have you entered the SHABBY APPLE GIVEAWAY yet? you should, it's pretty awesome.


  1. You look adorable! Love it! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  2. You look great!! You're getting close! :)

  3. Aw so cute <3 I love the random updates like this. Funny how you crave sweets..I was craving mashed potatoes and cheeseburgers! :-)

  4. awww you're so cute preggs!! Hope it goes by quickly for you :)

  5. Cute bump! You're almost there!

  6. Way to go, Jenna. Have a great week!

  7. yay for good genes! me not so much, I'm now half zebra! woohoo! at least I'm in style lol
