
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! & Resurrection Rolls Recipe!

Happy Easter!
my husband got the basket on the right for me and the basket on the left for our future baby. Haha isn't he the sweetest?
I'm back again and off for most of this week...Yesterday... to celebrate Easter a little early, we made some resurrection rolls. This is a great tradition to start with kids and really demonstrates the empty tomb. Here's the recipe along with pictures and the bible verses that go along: 

1 can of large crescent roll dough
8 large marshmallows
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup cinnamon sugar

1. Preheat the oven according to the package directions for the crescent rolls. While the oven is preheating, read John 19. (Noland did this while I was prepping)
2. Open the crescent roll dough and lay it out. Melt the butter in a bowl. Pour some cinnamon sugar in a bowl like so: 
3. If you are doing this with some kiddos, explain that the butter represents the embalming oils they used on Jesus' body at his burial. The cinnamon sugar represents the spices that they used to prepare Jesus' body. The crescent rolls represent the cloth that Jesus' was wrapped in. 
4. Each child gets a marshmallow which represents Jesus: all white and pure because he was without sin.
5. Dip a marshmallow in the butter then the cinnamon sugar and then roll in the crescent roll. Make sure to close all holes otherwise this won't work properly. 
6. Make sure they are wrapped up really good.... You don't want the marshmallow to seep out. 
(Forgive the pan.. its old and stained.. but clean, I assure you.)
7. I liked to pour the rest of the butter and the cinnamon sugar on top. This might be over doing it a little bit though because they came out a little sticky... but I love sugar and preferred them like cinnamon rolls. 
8. Here is what they looked like pre oven: 
9. Bake according to the crescent roll directions... 
10. When they come out of the oven (which represents the tomb) The cloths of crescent roll are EMPTY. 
No marshmallow... 
This is really awesome and this represents Jesus' resurrection in a really neat way! Especially for kids. My husband doesn't like marshmallows and he liked the rolls too... 
On a final note: I'm thinking of starting a link up on Wednesdays... You could link up whatever you want of your posts... even a post on life and family, and I would love to feature my favorites for the week prior. Let me know of your interest in the comments box. 
 I'm also contemplating a blog switch day on Tues or Thursday. This would involve you guest posting on my blog to get more friends and me guest posting on your blog on the same day! Email me at if you are interested.
This will all begin as of late April/ early May so stay tuned
That's all for today, Hope you have the happiest of Easter Sundays!
Linking Up: 

1 comment:

  1. GREAT idea!!! SO happy I found this and will def be using it in the future for our sprouts! Thanks so much for linkin up over at mi casa :) Happy Week to you girl!
