
Friday, April 13, 2012

Disney Movie Countdown

Hi everyone this is Noland...not Jenna. Jenna and I love to watch movies and we find ourselves watching Disney movies all of the time. I even gave Jenna Lion King 1 1/2 in her Easter Basket, and Fox and the Hound to our baby we are anxiously awaiting. So I decided to do my top Disney list and Jenna will post hers soon. They match up pretty well, although I have one way higher than her and she will have the same. We decided not to include Marvel movies, even though they are now owned by Disney, and only do animated movies too. Otherwise Remember the Titans would definitely be on mine. Enjoy the countdown 10 to 1 and leave some comments!
When I went to work on this list I could have sworn Rio was a Disney movie, but apparently it is not. That movie would have easily been top 5 if it was a Disney movie.
10) Fantasia
Some people are surprised that I like Fantasia so much. I actually like Fantasia 2000 too. As someone that did not like the Pink Panther some think that I would not like the lack of dialogue. However, I think the music and short scenes blend perfectly. Not usually my cup of tea with the music, but I like this.
9) Toy Story 3
This is one of the few Disney sequels to hit the mark. It was not that much worse than the first movie. No wonder this movie did so great in the box office. The one thing I did not like was Buzz being re programmed and Spanish Buzz. I am a Buzz Lightyear fan. Jenna and I had a bet about who was better between Buzz and Woody. We asked many people and the results were inconclusive although Buzz was in the lead. Maybe you all can settle the dispute. Team Buzz!

8) The Little Mermaid
There was a time when I would have said the Little Mermaid is my #3 Disney movie. I still hold it in high regard. The songs are fantastic and I like the show at Disney. I do not think it is overly girly at all. I actually like this movie better than Jenna. Since this was near the top though I saw the next three movies for the first time and really realized that I liked the 4th and 3rd movies better. I love "Under the Sea" though, it is a top 5 Disney song.
7) Meet the Robinsons
This is an unbelievable film. I cannot believe I did not see it until this past year. It has so many wonderful things about it. Also the family has a pretty great last name if I must say so myself. This was an incredibly entertaining movie. I would assume this is the movie on my countdown that the least people have scene so I won't give away too much, but I highly recommend this movie.
6) Lion King 1 1/2
As I said earlier, Disney sequels usually aren't too great. Disney tried to buck this trend by doing a new story to go along with a classic and it worked. It was not quite as good as the original, but it was pretty dang good. This movie focuses on Timon and Pumba and goes along with the original. It also had a new role for Rafiki which was interesting. My favorite part is the end when Pumba asks to watch again and a lot of other Disney character come in. You have to see it!
5) Tangled
I gotta admit I was always excited for this movie with Mandy Moore being the Disney Princess and it exceeded every expectation I had for it. It will definitely be in Jenna's top 5 as well. I would say it is the Disney movie that we watch most often and we are both huge fans of it. My favorite character is the chameleon and Rapunzel is my favorite Disney princess. The songs are fantastic, of course, and it is a very interesting story.
4) Toy Story
I went back and forth between this and the other movie for the number 3 Disney movie and eventually went against this movie. However, if I did the list again don't be surprised if this is the #3 movie. I left it here because the #3 movie is a bit more of a "classic." I just love Toy Story though. My personal favorite is Rex!
3) The Fox & The Hound
I bought this movie for our soon to be baby because it was the only one of my top 5 movies that we did not own yet. I wanted to share the finer point of Disney classics with our lil one. Having this movie for years will definitely be a treat. Tod and Copper are the best of friends in a very unusual set of circumstances. This movie is a classic.
2) The Lion King
The Lion King is #1 on most peoples lists, but not mine or Jenna's. You cannot refute its greatness and it is in both of our top threes. It is the movie that everyone agrees is great. An undisputed masterpiece and something that will stand the test of time. The characters and songs are amazing and this movie could easily be put as #1. If I did not love the #1 movie so much, it would have been the top movie. My favorite character in this movie is Rafiki and I just think he is awesome. The characters all play very well off each other and there is a reason all kids know Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Timon, Pumba, and Scar. Great character development in this movie.
And the number one movie....
The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book is the best movie by Disney by a long shot in my opinion. It has the best and most memorable songs, the most well developed character, and the best Disney Villain. Seriously, who is a better villain than Sher Khan? Baloo is the best Disney character and who can forget "I wanna be like you" and "The Bare Necessities." Honestly, this movie has my top two Disney characters because I also love King Louie. It is just an amazing film. It is unfortunate that Disney World doesn't have a Jungle Book ride and that many kids today don't even know the story. This movie which was Disney's last is a pure classic though and always will be.
Honorable Mentions: 
Lilo & Stich, The Rescuers Down Under, Return of Jafar, Winnie The Pooh, Hercules, The Incredibles

Thanks for stoppin by,


  1. Lol, love your top 10! Toy Story is definitely in mine too! My husband, son, and I collect Disney movies {actually, I started the collection for myself...}...

    We are a disney fam over here too! Just wait until your little one joins in the watching- then it REALLY gets fun!


  2. ha yes you do love the Jungle Book :) and come on it's Pascal from Tangled - at least know his name! Him and Maximus were my favs from that one too!! hope you and Jenna are doing well!
