
Monday, March 5, 2012

Tag! You're it!

So, I don't think  I've done one of these before... I was tagged by Kylee from 20&Counting! Here are 11 things about me, followed by the 11 questions Kylee posed. I'll then post 11 new ones for the girls I tag to answer! 
photo credit goes to
So here are 11 things about me:
(in no particular order)
1. Weekends are my favorite because I love spending time with my husband!
2. If you could get paid to sleep, I would be rich... because I can out-sleep anyone. I have to keep a strict sleep schedule to function or I could sleep 12+ hours a day!
3. I'm currently watching once upon a time on hulu because I missed it last night.
4. I was a dancer... for 15 years (from 3 to 18). Sometimes I miss it but then I just have a dance fest around the house.
5. My kids will not be allowed to go to UF. I am a Florida State Seminole! I bleed garnet & gold... OK so maybe not gold... but garnet ;)
6. God has blessed my life and I live to praise him!
7. I love Ranch dressing...its weird I know. I love it on fries, salad, wraps, sandwiches, to dip chips in it. Its so good.
8. I'm not a pet person. We will never have cats or dogs. The hubs is allergic. They cost more money and are just an animal to clean up after. Sounds bad. I am a compassionate person... Its just, I would rather have goldfish.
9. My motto for life is to "stay positive"! Sometimes you have to "fake it to make it"! Not every day is going to be the best but if you pretend it is and keep a positive attitude... your day will most likely get better! I always say, "I'm riding the positive train!"
10. I don't usually admit this but, I kinda like the Kardashians... There show is entertaining.
11. Baseball is my favorite sport to watch. My husband and I are going to a game on Saturday! excited

Now for the 11 questions posed by Kylee:
1.  Favorite feature about yourself. I have pretty eyes. My hair is pretty great too.. some days I don't even have to brush it and it looks nice.
2.  One thing you want more than anything. A healthy baby.
3.  One thing that scares you about your  future. I get scared sometimes when I watch politics. I hope our nation can stay "one nation, under God" as long as I'm alive... and I pray for my future descendants that America stays, "the land of the free and the home of the brave."
4. Biggest phobia? Snakes! Ugh... I can't even go near them. I don't like cockroaches or spiders either.
5.  Most exciting thing you have ever done? got married to the man of my dreams!
6.  Biggest accomplishment? graduating college with my Bachelor's... soon it will be my Masters!
7.  What is your biggest pet peeve? Messes.. but I also hate when boys/men leave the toilet seat up... 
8.  If you could be anything in the world when you grow up, what would it be? Well I'm getting my Masters in Social work... so something in the social work field that is also faith related! 
9.  Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes? no eye lashes.. cause you can buy fakes that look real but you can't buy fake brows that look real..
10.  Cookies or ice cream? cookies... my husband would say ice cream. we have this disagreement every once in a while ;)
11.  What's one thing you want to do before you die? Go to Hawaii with my husband and go on the honeymoon we dreamed up but couldn't afford. haha.

Tagging 11:

You're it! Now tell us 11 things about yourself and answer my 11 questions! Then Pass it on!
1. What's your favorite food? 
2. What were/are going to be your wedding colors?
3. What is the one thing you miss from your childhood? 
4. What is the biggest dream you have for the future?
5. Favorite Sport & Team? 
6. What are you doing right this second besides blogging? 
7.What is your life "motto"?
8. Do you like country music? If so, what's your favorite song?
9. Know any funny jokes?
10. How did you get started blogging? 
11. Top two favorite movies of all time?

Next time.. I'll add more pictures!
That's all for now! Thanks for stoppin by!
xoxo Jen.

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