
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Importance of Thank You.

(pinned here)
First of all, I must say THANK YOU to all the visitors of my blog as well as all of my new and old followers! I've only been blogging since early August and I have followers.. this is so awesome and I feel so loved! 
I had my first bridal shower this weekend and school has been busy so I'm so sorry I have not updated. I hate when things get so busy that I avoid the blog.. It can be something that you put off and put off until finally I say to myself, "Jenna, get with the program and update!"
Anyways, when it comes to the Bridal Shower.. I will have pictures to share as soon as my photographer edits them.. Check out her beautiful site..!
On a different note, I feel like we can never say "Thank You" enough. I saw this print on Pinterest that really resonated with me so here it is: 
Gosh, I need to be more thankful to God for all the gifts in my life... and thank him on a more regular basis... and on that same note, I have a ton of thank-you cards to write from my awesome bridal shower this weekend! My mom found this great website that helps in writing thank-you cards here!
I am totally going to be using those tips.. 
Now-a-days people don't really write thank-you notes! I feel that they are so important. I will continue to do so and teach my future kids to do the same. Letting others know how thankful you are is so important and it helps you to look at each day in a positive way. 
I am so thankful for my awesome sweet baby fiance (Noland), my mom, my family, my soon-to-be family, my friends (new & old) and just the gift of life! Just some personal reflections on being thankful! I'll post a good ole' craft tomorrow!
& just because they are cute.. here are 2 pictures of my nephews at their b-day party this past weekend:
Oh... & Thanks for stoppin' by!
xoxo Jen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, those are such unbelievably, ridiculously cute little nephews and pictures! I LOVE it and it looks like they are having a blast! (I mean, I'd be loving it if I got either of those toys/rides and could fit on them...)

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist
