
Monday, July 16, 2012

Movie Monday: The Amazing Spider-Man

Well I'm back and so is Movie Mondays... at least for the rest of the summer. 
Our most recent movie theater visit was to see The Amazing Spiderman.

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, and Rhys Ifans
Small Plot TeaserPeter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. You have to watch and see what happens.

Our Review: Noland and I went to see this with my mom when we were visiting my family in North Florida.  The Amazing Spiderman was the best of the Spiderman movies yet. Andrew Garfield was a way better Spiderman than Tobey Maguire. The Amazing Spiderman had a darker, more serious feel than Spiderman movies of the past. 
I really enjoyed Lizard as the villain. He was well developed and kept you on the edge of your seat. It even made me look at real lizards in a different way... haha. I hope no one ever makes giant lizards, because the villain, Lizard was scary. I would not recommend taking little kids to this movie unless they have seen scary movies because it is a little scary. 
I also enjoyed the Gwen Stacy character. She was different than Mary-Jane who you have seen in the past. Emma Stone did a great job as Gwen Stacy and I actually liked her. When Kirsten Dunst played Mary Jane, I was not a fan. There is so much more I could say that I liked about this movie but I really don't want to ruin it. You should definitely check it out for yourself if you like the super hero movies!
THERE IS A POST CREDITS SCENE. So don't forget to stay after so you can see and evaluate what exactly happens for yourself. My wonderful loving husband has two blogs and one of them is called Super Hero Scoop. If you want to read more about the POST CREDITS SCENE click here.

News: It has been confirmed that there The Amazing Spiderman is the first of a trilogy. Two more Spidey movies to come. The Amazing Spiderman 2 should be coming to a theater near you in 2014!

Can't wait for our sweet baby to get here and get into all this superhero stuff! His dad is soo excited too!

These are my personal, non-paid opinions. My husband and I enjoy reviewing movies and wound love to hear your opinion, agree or disagree.
That's all for this Movie Monday! :) 
xoxo Jen


  1. Thanks for the review, darling! I've been wanting to see it, and I've heard it's great! I'm glad to hear that you don't compare this one to the Tobey Maguire series the whole time.

    Happy Monday!


  2. I still haven't seen this, which is crazy since my husband is such a big Spiderman fan, but hopefully we'll see it soon. I was also not a big fan of Kirsten Dunst as MJ, I'm looking forward to seeing Emma stone.
