
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just Be Happy

The beginning of this post is going to sound negative, but please stick with me.
If I'm being honest with myself, this summer has been a bit of a whirlwind. I graduated with my Masters in early May and for some reason, I was under the impression that I would have a job right away. I mean I started applying for jobs in March... so that would mean I would have a job upon graduation right? Well, it turns out that this was not the case. Silly me.
On top of the lack of a job, we found out that we have to move. We are currently renting a beautiful house and the owner did not want to renew the lease because he wants to sell the house. I completely understand because he is getting older and lives up north. I'm sure it will be nice for him to not have to worry about a summer house that is being rented out in Florida. I'm sure it didn't help that our air conditioner recently died and had to be repaired. The neighborhood is really nice and has a community center with a Toddler's Tuesday, which Noland Jr. has enjoyed in the past few weeks. 
Finally, my husband has a shorter summer because his school is switching to year-round schooling. This will mean that the kids will still have 180 days of school but it will be spread out throughout the year. Instead of a long summer, they will have a week break at the end of each quarter which also means longer Christmas and Spring breaks. This summer will only be about 6 weeks for him.
It seems like the first few weeks of summer, we had all these plans and they were stomped on by the move. We found ourselves a little sick (cough, stuffy nose, etc) sitting around the house being a little bummed out because we had to move, and summer was shorter. And I was bummed because I did not have a job yet. After kicking myself in the face.. not literally, I realized that there is no reason to mope around and feel sorry for ourselves (mostly me, I was pretty down). If summer is shorter, than we need to get up, get over this sickness and enjoy this time that we have..because in a few weeks it will be gone. 
"If you want to be happy, be." 
So we did. 
Actually, I scheduled all three of us doctor appointments.  We all were given antibiotics which helped us start feeling better right away. Then we started planning things to do. Monday, we went to the pool in the morning, and Tuesday was playground time, and so on. We've managed to start having a lot more fun! 
While moving does completely suck, it is what it is. There isn't anything me or anyone else can do to change the fact that we have to move. I've been packing up a box or two every night and I feel like we are pretty much ready. Since we chose to get up, be happy and have a better summer, we have!
There are some days that we have sat around and not done much, and that's okay too. Even on those days, I try to make an effort to do something small like walk around the mall or watch a movie together. 
It is so easy to forget that each day is a gift. Tomorrow is not promised.
"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!" -Psalm 118:24
We have to remember to wake up and choose happiness. I have to remember to wake up and choose happiness.
Luckily, I have these two boys to remind me! Hope everyone is having a Happy Saturday! 
Coming soon, my husband, Noland, will be sharing his countdown for The Top 100 Songs that will make you SMILE! 

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