
Saturday, September 22, 2012

September Feature: The Dreamy Meadow

Hey Everyone! Special treat for you today!
 Meet another wonderful sponsor! Katlyn from  The Dreamy Meadow!
Show her some love and stop by her blog !
Hey It's Just Spicy readers! 
My name is Katlyn and I blog over at The Dreamy Meadow, a lifestyle blog about everything I love!
That includes my son Bentley, my husband, crafting, and trying to stay out of chaos.
I originally started blogging as a way of staying in contact with family once I got married and moved across the country as well as having an outlet for where I talk about the struggles that I go through.
That being said, it can get a little heavy sometimes. 
I believe that honesty is the best way of going about things when you're in the blogging world. Yes, I know that everyone wants to think that everything is rainbows and puppies but let's get real! I tell it how it is and how I'm feeling at the time. You can see a bit about that here if you'd like to have an insight.

I feel that in the community we are blessed with a voice, and why not use that voice to try and help and spread awareness? I tell my stories not because I want people to feel sorry for me or to gain followers. I do it because if there is someone out there who is or went through something similar in their life, they know that they are not alone and that they can reach out and talk about it. Writing is an excellent way to get out emotions and stress. And talking is a vital part of surviving in this chaotic life.

On a lighter note, I will be celebrating my 1 year Blogiversary in October!! 
There's going to be a party, educational guest posts, and a reader appreciation giveaway!! 
Come check out my blog and let me know if you'd like to be part of it!!

Hope you all have a fantastic day! Come say hi if you get the chance! :)

1 comment:

  1. This lady really is awesome and totally writes from the heart! I agree with her about writing honestly. Not everything always goes our way and some people may not have the same opinions as us, but I'm so glad to see an honest blogger out there! :)
