First, I have 2 giveaways going on for awesome products!
You can enter the awesome OOFOS footwear giveaway here!
I've decided to do a little baby belly & pregnancy recap...
Baby should be here any day. We actually thought he was going to come this weekend... but I guess today I'm glad that he hasn't arrived yet so that I can write this post!
Pregnancy is great. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's a blessing and a
gift from God.
My entire pregnancy has been pretty easy.
The first trimester (0-12 weeks) I experienced a few nauseous moments but only when I hadn't eaten every hour or two. I soon learned that as long as I was snacking all day, I was fine. The only other issues I experienced during the first trimester were really bad headaches. Drinking a lot of water helped that. And of course, being tired was a first trimester experience. To be fair, I was working a 20 hour a week internship at a hospital, taking 5 graduate school classes, cooking dinner every night, doing laundry and keeping the house clean with some help from my wonderful husband! Oh and running to the bathroom thing is something that goes on ALL of pregnancy but you get used to it. Honestly, the first trimester was really not bad at all, just a few small random hiccups here and there.(Numbers are in weeks)
The second trimester (12-24 weeks) for me, didn't really start until 16 weeks. Everyone tells you that at 12 weeks when you are starting to enter your second trimester, the headaches, nausea and tired-ness will subside. Well it didn't for me until week 16. I remember this clearly because I spoke to some of the moms at my hubs school and we were all laughing about it. But when week 16 hit, it was smooooth sailing. I felt good good good. really no problems and certainly the easiest part of pregnancy. The second trimester was pretty cool too because you start feeling little flutters, baby kicks and you get to learn the sex of your baby, if you choose to do so.
I wish I would've written all the feelings I experienced through out pregnancy before now. I guess I've shared some here and there on the little blog of mine but never this detailed. We decided we wanted to know the sex of the baby, not because it mattered but that way we could pick out particular clothes etc. I had this intuition that it was a boy. Noland had no idea. When I would ask him, he would say "Well, it's a 50% chance." I guess he didn't feel a particular pull towards a certain sex. I would have been just as happy with a girl but I just had this feeling it was a boy. And I kinda wanted a little boy too because Noland & I both grew up with an older brother. I know we both wanted an older brother for our future youngins. It's just nice to have an older brother always on the look out. I just know Noland Jr. is going to be a great older brother one day.
Anyways, our ultrasound where we found out the sex of the baby was soo funny. The sonographer was around the baby's private area and you could clearly see that it was, indeed, a male. She didn't say anything though. Noland & I just looked at each other and made googly eyes. We didn't want to say "IT's A BOY." and then it not be... so finally, I asked. And she said, "Yup, it's a boy!" Rejoicing all around because we already knew what his name was, where we were having a difficult time with girl name ideas.
He's going to carry on the family name of Noland, which has apparently been in the family for a long time. And I love that it is not common too!
The only hard part about the second trimester is towards the end, I started feeling some back pain. Exercise is important. Summer is good and bad with pregnancy. It's good to be pregnant during summer because you can go float in the POOL and that takes some pressure off your back, legs etc. But pregnancy during summer can be tough too...because when you want to go outside, it's boiling hot. We would go walk around the mall for exercise. window shopping.
The third trimester (29-40 weeks) has been the most difficult but it still hasn't been too hard... of course, I haven't delivered yet so my tone could change. The bathroom runs are still constant and I thirst for water like I've never thirsted before. I had to start taking iron supplements because the doctor said I could become a little anemic, which is why I crave ice like constantly.
Back pain and legs are sore. Luckily, I have a great husband who will give me back rubs. He's been mastering the art of a massage. I make him put lotion on my back, it helps him to be gentle lol. Sometime I just tell him to punch it because my back muscles are so tight. Also, warm showers and baths are magical. Pools are great too. Just to float in a pool is something I could enjoy all day.
Feet and hands are a little swollen but not overly so. My wedding ring doesn't really fit but I've been wearing it on a necklace. Shoes are all pretty tight. I bought a pair of flip flops as well was given a pair of OOFOS to review...that have been so comfy to wear!
But, every day I get to feel the little guy kick and continue to grow. Towards the end of the third semester, you start going to the doctor every week, which is exciting because you get to hear his heart beat. For a woman who worries a lot, that is reassuring that everything is good.
The other thing I noticed... when you use a public bathroom. You know the ones where the doors open inward. That must have been designed by a man. You have to back into the toilet to get out normally. Well with a pregnant belly, I feel like I'm a ninja as I try to get out of that stall... Now, if I have to go in public, I try to use the handi-cap bathrooms just to avoid the inward doors!
The worst part about the third trimester is the anticipation, especially since it's my first baby. I haven't really felt what a contraction feels like and it's probably different with every person. The past few weeks I've just been a little busy with nesting, packing the hospital bag, putting the car seat in, getting his room ready, washing all his little clothes... and now I feel like I'm finally ready for him to come. God & him must be having daily meetings about teaching me patience because he's taking his sweet time.
Last appointment, I was told he's dropped and is head down. I am 3cm dialated and 70% effaced so he could be here anytime.
But I'm excited to see his sweet face and know all the little difficult things about pregnancy will be well worth it when Noland & I get to see his sweet face. It could be today or tomorrow or any day now! If your awaiting his arrival too, I'll keep you posted, just like my
facebook page.
Anyways, that's my little recap. Pretty long but it's been awhile and I had a lot to say. Hopefully, we'll all get to see this little boy soon!
xoxo Jen