
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Noland David Jr.

Noland David Jr. 
Date of Birth: 10/2/2012
9 lbs 14 oz
21.75 inches
He's here and we couldn't be more excited! Our lives have officially changed forever! 
I'm sorry I haven't been around but I've been snuggling with my Nolands (Noland & Noland Jr.) and recovering from a rough delivery. I promise to post some more details and possibly a birth story soon. 
I love the first picture of my sweet husband! This was while I was in labor (I had an epidural) and we were basically having a movie marathon... He was so excited with good reason. He's already an amazing dad! Middle picture is our little guy sporting the Seminoles at one day old!
Next, A picture snuggling with Mommy, and a picture snuggling with Daddy. The picture in the middle is one of my favorites. One morning in the hospital, he just sat and stared at me, with his little hand under his chin. He has definitely stolen a piece of our hearts.

Can you tell we're Orioles fans? This happens to be the week of the Division Series and we were prepared. Little Noland has some awesome Orioles onesies thanks to his dad, and has definitely been sporting them on game days! The middle picture is our first family picture. It's a little blurry due to being an iPhone picture. Hopefully, we'll take some family pictures soon!
That's all for now but I should be getting back to blogging more regularly as I get the hang our being a mom and fully recover. Life is so wonderful, and God is so good and continues to reign down his blessings upon us. 
xoxo. Jen


  1. Congratulations!!! That's awesome and he's adorable and so SOOOO sweet! : )


  2. I'm watching the Orioles game right now! I'm a fan. AWESOME.

    (Someday I'll probably have babies in Orioles gear; that's exciting.)

  3. I love these pics Jenna! Congratulations on growing such an awesome healthy little guy. Ok, he did not come out that little! What a fabulous family! xxooxxooxxoo

  4. Oh my goodness! Congrats on your new addition! He is such a cutie pie!!! :)

  5. Congratulations. I love the name! Those are such sweet family pictures:)

  6. COngratulations- every post for awhile now I have been expecting an announcement- glad it finally came!

  7. Congratulations!! Enjoy every moment with him because they grow too quickly! Another O's fan here... hope they make it past tonight's game :-)

  8. Jenna- your baby boy is SOOO cute. Those little eyes, that nose, that tiny mouth! Cutest.

  9. Congratulations!!! I just welcomed a new little one on 10/3!!

  10. Congrats!! Oh my goodness.. what a sweet angel!!
