
Monday, October 29, 2012

Movie Monday: Top 10 Kids Halloween Movies

I haven't done had a "Movie Monday  or "Movie Review" in a while but I figured since Halloween is in 2 days, I'd share my all time favorite Kids Halloween movies. I grew up watching some old-school scary movies too that won't be on this list like... Nightmare on Elm Street etc. but for now, I'm sticking with my favorite old-school kids movies/shows that I will definitely watch every year & want to pass on to the little one & future little ones...

1. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (G)
This is just a classic. Charlie Brown is one of those fellas that you just have to watch every holiday!

2. The Halloween Tree (G)
I had a really hard time trying to remember what this movie was called. When I was younger, my mom had a tape that had a bunch of Halloween shows/movies recorded on it and this was one of my favorites. I'm definitely going to need to purchase this one on DVD or Blu Ray. If you haven't seen it, it's a must see.

3. The Worst Witch (G)
They did a re-make TV show of this movie.. so if you watch it... make sure to watch the old movie from 1986. I'll never forget Mildred Hubble.

4. Mickey's House of Villains
So I admit that I haven't seen this one but my husband says it is his favorite Halloween movie. It has all the Disney villains in it. Sounds interesting. We are going to have to get this one somehow so I can watch it. I love Disney...even the villains.

5. Hocus Pocus (PG)
I totally DVR-ed this the other day! What a great movie. I was always in love with Thackery Binx...
I also always wanted a talking cat due to this movie. It's just a great story!
"I put a spell on you... and now you're mine..."

6. For Better or For Worse (Cartoon Show): 
Good For Nothing (Episode)yep
Yep, I used to watch this every year as a kiddo. I had a "For Better or Worse" holiday episode on each tape. Like I said earlier, my mom would record all the Halloween shows onto a Halloween tape and all the Christmas episodes onto a Christmas tape. It was good stuff and all I watched around Halloween/Christmas time! Have you ever seen "For Better or For Worse"? It's pretty good stuff. You can watch Part 1 of the Halloween Episode here from You tube.

7. Casper (PG)
Um, so this was a year round favorite. Who didn't wish they were Christina Ricci with an awesome friendly ghost at your house? Um..I definitely did. And when Casper turns human... I used to think he was the hottest. Hahaha. 

8. Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie (G)
This is the second movie on my list that I actually haven't seen but I love Pooh bear so I added him to my list. I was also avoiding putting The Nightmare before Christmas or the Corpse Bride because I don't like those movies... so Pooh's Heffalump Halloween movie it is...I'll have to watch this one and let you know how it is.

9. Teen Witch (PG-13)
Um.. Yes.
Haven't seen in awhile so might need to watch before you watch with your kiddos.. Check for language. But then again, it was rated PG-13 in the 80's so it's probably not that bad.

Here is the 411 on this movie (thanks to IMDB): Louise is not very popular at her high school. Then she learns that she's descended from the witches of Salem and has inherited their powers. At first she uses them to get back at the girls and teachers who teased her and to win the heart of the handsome footballer's captain. But soon she has doubts if it's right to 'cheat' her way to popularity.

I loved this and there is even a rap in it by her bff. Haha.

10. Teen Wolf (PG)
I haven't seen this one in a while... but I remember liking it. haha Michael J. Fox plays the Teen Wolf!
Basically he discovers he is a werewolf and you'll just have to watch what happens.
So that's my list. A lot of these movies are old-school... so don't judge me.
They are just Halloween-ey and clean good family fun movies! Now, I'm on a mission to go rent a few via Netflix or something before October is over!
Thanks for stoppin' by! That's all for today!

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good list- I'd forgotten about some of these! What a great idea!
