
Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Baby Story

I've been so busy with our little guy lately that I haven't had much time to share about his arrival. He is currently napping on my lap and I finally have time to tell some of the story on this lazy Sunday afternoon.

I was told that our little guy would definitely arrive early. Well, you guessed it, my due date (Sept 29) came and went and still no arrival. I was told we could schedule an induction... and that's what I decided to do. So on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, my husband and I woke up early and headed to the hospital. We were supposed to be there by 6 am. We anxiously waited in the hospital waiting room for the nurse to come get us. We filled out some paperwork and were shown to the labor and delivery room!

Not long after our arrival, we met our nurse and I requested an epidural. She gave me my IV & started the pitocin to get the contractions started. Soon, anesthesiology came in to give me my epidural. For me, the IV and the epidural were the worst part of labor. I didn't feel any contractions for a few hours and then they came back to check on my epidural and give me some extra meds. 

Our room had a DVD player and TV in it, so as soon as I was set with the IV, pitocin and epidural, Noland and I began our movie marathon. We watched Tangled, The Jungle Book, The Lion King and then the Avengers. I thought it was so weird that I was in labor because I didn't really feel much pain. 
About 4:30-5pm (ish), the doctor and nurse came in and said I needed to try and push... and then it began. It just felt like pressure but not a lot of pain. I pushed for about an hour and a half (possibly longer) until Noland Jr. arrived! He finally arrived at 6:33pm.
He was 9lbs 14oz of pure LOVE.
(The hospital photos I have are not that good but here is a picture I took the other day)
I got to hold him after delivery for a few minutes. He was perfect, beautiful and healthy. I was  having some problems so I didn't get to hold him long. I had a uterine hemorrhage on top of a fever and high blood pressure so he was sent to the nursery pretty soon after I got to hold him. My husband went up too and was able to bring our little man back that night to stay in our room with us. I had to have two blood transfusions that night as well as some other medical things done which I won't elaborate on. Luckily, everything is a lot better now that it has been two weeks. Recovery wasn't too bad. I had a lot of help from my amazing husband, friends and family. Baby is doing well and I'm feeling a lot better. Thank the Lord that everything turned out alright.

I would share the whole story about the after birth hemorrhaging but I read a billion birth stories before I had Noland Jr and I can honestly say I was terrified going into the hospital on the morning of October 2. I don't want to share that part of my birth story because well, everyone's birth experience is different. The most important thing is that giving birth is one of the most life changing experiences you will ever have. And although, the hemorrhaging thing was pretty scary, I'm alive and healthy today so it wasn't that bad. Most of all, if you haven't had a baby and read this...think of it this way. Thousands of people do it every day and live to tell the story, even have multiple kids, so it can't be that bad. I look back and can't believe I did it. Don't ever live in fear. And so...

Our sweet boy is here! We are just enjoying every minute of snuggles, coo-ing, his facial expressions and trying to sleep when he sleeps. It's just crazy that I'm a mom!
I found this poem online a week or so ago... and it pretty much describes my life right now

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow 
for babies grow up we have learned to our sorrow. 
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep 
I'm rocking my baby, cause babies don't keep!"

And that's all for today! More posts to come as I continue to get the hang of multi-tasking.
Thanks for stoppin by! 
xoxo. Jen


  1. Wow! What a cutie! :) Congratulations! :)

  2. What a precious babe! I have a 3mo old and I tear up every time I read that poem, so true.
