
Monday, October 29, 2012

Movie Monday: Top 10 Kids Halloween Movies

I haven't done had a "Movie Monday  or "Movie Review" in a while but I figured since Halloween is in 2 days, I'd share my all time favorite Kids Halloween movies. I grew up watching some old-school scary movies too that won't be on this list like... Nightmare on Elm Street etc. but for now, I'm sticking with my favorite old-school kids movies/shows that I will definitely watch every year & want to pass on to the little one & future little ones...

1. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (G)
This is just a classic. Charlie Brown is one of those fellas that you just have to watch every holiday!

2. The Halloween Tree (G)
I had a really hard time trying to remember what this movie was called. When I was younger, my mom had a tape that had a bunch of Halloween shows/movies recorded on it and this was one of my favorites. I'm definitely going to need to purchase this one on DVD or Blu Ray. If you haven't seen it, it's a must see.

3. The Worst Witch (G)
They did a re-make TV show of this movie.. so if you watch it... make sure to watch the old movie from 1986. I'll never forget Mildred Hubble.

4. Mickey's House of Villains
So I admit that I haven't seen this one but my husband says it is his favorite Halloween movie. It has all the Disney villains in it. Sounds interesting. We are going to have to get this one somehow so I can watch it. I love Disney...even the villains.

5. Hocus Pocus (PG)
I totally DVR-ed this the other day! What a great movie. I was always in love with Thackery Binx...
I also always wanted a talking cat due to this movie. It's just a great story!
"I put a spell on you... and now you're mine..."

6. For Better or For Worse (Cartoon Show): 
Good For Nothing (Episode)yep
Yep, I used to watch this every year as a kiddo. I had a "For Better or Worse" holiday episode on each tape. Like I said earlier, my mom would record all the Halloween shows onto a Halloween tape and all the Christmas episodes onto a Christmas tape. It was good stuff and all I watched around Halloween/Christmas time! Have you ever seen "For Better or For Worse"? It's pretty good stuff. You can watch Part 1 of the Halloween Episode here from You tube.

7. Casper (PG)
Um, so this was a year round favorite. Who didn't wish they were Christina Ricci with an awesome friendly ghost at your house? Um..I definitely did. And when Casper turns human... I used to think he was the hottest. Hahaha. 

8. Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie (G)
This is the second movie on my list that I actually haven't seen but I love Pooh bear so I added him to my list. I was also avoiding putting The Nightmare before Christmas or the Corpse Bride because I don't like those movies... so Pooh's Heffalump Halloween movie it is...I'll have to watch this one and let you know how it is.

9. Teen Witch (PG-13)
Um.. Yes.
Haven't seen in awhile so might need to watch before you watch with your kiddos.. Check for language. But then again, it was rated PG-13 in the 80's so it's probably not that bad.

Here is the 411 on this movie (thanks to IMDB): Louise is not very popular at her high school. Then she learns that she's descended from the witches of Salem and has inherited their powers. At first she uses them to get back at the girls and teachers who teased her and to win the heart of the handsome footballer's captain. But soon she has doubts if it's right to 'cheat' her way to popularity.

I loved this and there is even a rap in it by her bff. Haha.

10. Teen Wolf (PG)
I haven't seen this one in a while... but I remember liking it. haha Michael J. Fox plays the Teen Wolf!
Basically he discovers he is a werewolf and you'll just have to watch what happens.
So that's my list. A lot of these movies are old-school... so don't judge me.
They are just Halloween-ey and clean good family fun movies! Now, I'm on a mission to go rent a few via Netflix or something before October is over!
Thanks for stoppin' by! That's all for today!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October Feature: Dreaming of Dimples

Hey Everyone! Today, I got an AWESOME October Feature to share with you! Jessah from Dreaming of Dimples is guest posting and sharing the most amazing party idea. I wish I knew more people in my area to host one of these babies...Maybe when I go home for Christmas...
Anywho, Check out Jessah's blog here! read on for her amazing post. Take it away girl!
Alright ya'll, here it is. 
The best party idea of the year.
Pinterest parties are the new Favorite Things parties. 
This party has been in the making for a while.
As I mentioned to my guests, I'd been waiting patiently to be invited to a Pinterest Party since I stumbled upon this article.
The idea looked so fun!
But if I hadn't planned my own party, I'd probably still be waiting.
I'm glad that I took matters into my own hands.
And a girl just can't wait forever.
The theme as you can see by the graphic was pink ballerinas.
I didn't want to send it out on the invitations as I wanted my guests to see the theme all pulled together at the party.
ballerina rice krispie cupcakes
mason jar favors to be filled in the candy bar
DIY gifts and candy bar (including peppermint taffy, good and plenty and watermelon gummis)
All of the food and drinks for the party were inspired by Pinterest.
Take a look.
tomato, mozzarella, basil skewers with balsamic drizzle
avocado hummus and pretzels
strawberries, basil, brie and honey on crackers
veggie cups in ranch dip
lemonade bar with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries
Wondering how the heck a Pinterest Party works?
Here are the deets.
Each guest brings the necessary items/ingredients/directions to create the craft, item or recipe to the party. (Making sure to have it wrapped.)
Then gifts are exchanged - "white elephant style - allowing each guest to take home a fun, unique creation!

This party was so much fun. 
These 10 lovelies ladies attended my party.
It was really cool to see the different DIY ideas they brought to the exchange.
If you're interested in seeing or pinning the DIY gift ideas given at the party, follow this Pinterest board.
I'll be adding the pins this week.

Don't you just love Pinterest!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Baby Story

I've been so busy with our little guy lately that I haven't had much time to share about his arrival. He is currently napping on my lap and I finally have time to tell some of the story on this lazy Sunday afternoon.

I was told that our little guy would definitely arrive early. Well, you guessed it, my due date (Sept 29) came and went and still no arrival. I was told we could schedule an induction... and that's what I decided to do. So on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, my husband and I woke up early and headed to the hospital. We were supposed to be there by 6 am. We anxiously waited in the hospital waiting room for the nurse to come get us. We filled out some paperwork and were shown to the labor and delivery room!

Not long after our arrival, we met our nurse and I requested an epidural. She gave me my IV & started the pitocin to get the contractions started. Soon, anesthesiology came in to give me my epidural. For me, the IV and the epidural were the worst part of labor. I didn't feel any contractions for a few hours and then they came back to check on my epidural and give me some extra meds. 

Our room had a DVD player and TV in it, so as soon as I was set with the IV, pitocin and epidural, Noland and I began our movie marathon. We watched Tangled, The Jungle Book, The Lion King and then the Avengers. I thought it was so weird that I was in labor because I didn't really feel much pain. 
About 4:30-5pm (ish), the doctor and nurse came in and said I needed to try and push... and then it began. It just felt like pressure but not a lot of pain. I pushed for about an hour and a half (possibly longer) until Noland Jr. arrived! He finally arrived at 6:33pm.
He was 9lbs 14oz of pure LOVE.
(The hospital photos I have are not that good but here is a picture I took the other day)
I got to hold him after delivery for a few minutes. He was perfect, beautiful and healthy. I was  having some problems so I didn't get to hold him long. I had a uterine hemorrhage on top of a fever and high blood pressure so he was sent to the nursery pretty soon after I got to hold him. My husband went up too and was able to bring our little man back that night to stay in our room with us. I had to have two blood transfusions that night as well as some other medical things done which I won't elaborate on. Luckily, everything is a lot better now that it has been two weeks. Recovery wasn't too bad. I had a lot of help from my amazing husband, friends and family. Baby is doing well and I'm feeling a lot better. Thank the Lord that everything turned out alright.

I would share the whole story about the after birth hemorrhaging but I read a billion birth stories before I had Noland Jr and I can honestly say I was terrified going into the hospital on the morning of October 2. I don't want to share that part of my birth story because well, everyone's birth experience is different. The most important thing is that giving birth is one of the most life changing experiences you will ever have. And although, the hemorrhaging thing was pretty scary, I'm alive and healthy today so it wasn't that bad. Most of all, if you haven't had a baby and read this...think of it this way. Thousands of people do it every day and live to tell the story, even have multiple kids, so it can't be that bad. I look back and can't believe I did it. Don't ever live in fear. And so...

Our sweet boy is here! We are just enjoying every minute of snuggles, coo-ing, his facial expressions and trying to sleep when he sleeps. It's just crazy that I'm a mom!
I found this poem online a week or so ago... and it pretty much describes my life right now

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow 
for babies grow up we have learned to our sorrow. 
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep 
I'm rocking my baby, cause babies don't keep!"

And that's all for today! More posts to come as I continue to get the hang of multi-tasking.
Thanks for stoppin by! 
xoxo. Jen

Saturday, October 13, 2012

5 Tips to Help your Blog GROW

Hey Everyone! I shared a little bit of blog help over at the Dreamy Meadow a few days ago!
I thought it might help some of my readers to share it with you too! So although, I wouldn't say I'm the most knowledgeable person to share blog help... because my blog is growing but it has taken a lot of time and learning to get it here today... I've decided to share my 5 of my secret tips (in no particular order) that will help grow your blog!
There is MORE than one way to "network"! I would recommend taking advantage of Twitter and Facebook! Not only as a blogger but as a person who reads other peoples blogs, I have a few that I check pretty regularly...other than that, I pretty much rely on my Facebook and Twitter feeds for blogger updates! When another blogger than I have "liked" on Facebook posts a little blurb about their post of the day... and I find it interesting, I can click and read it! Other than that, unless I spend a whole day going from blog to blog... I'll never see your post, even if I follow you! 
There are several other blogging networks you can get involved in.. here are a few that I'm involved in or am aware of that are worth checking out: Clever Girls Collective, Better Blogger Network, Top Mommy Blogs, Top Baby Blogs, Picket Fence Blogs, Moms Connect, Bloglovin, Google Plus, Pinterest, Hello Cotton
Some of these may not fit your blog so make sure you get involved in networks that fit your blog! Also, make sure to not get involved in too many networks. You don't want to overwhelm yourself. You want to be able to be active in the networks that you are involved in! 

Giveaways are hard. It is hard to get started giving away products because when your blog is smaller, you usually have to purchase something to give it away. I started my first giveaway by contacting an Etsy seller that I had already made a purchase from and asked them to giveaway a product on my blog. Luckily, the seller was willing and super helpful! 
Not only is important to host giveaways but you can sponsor other blogs and become involved in their monthly giveaway opportunities that they offer. If you decide to sponsor my blog, for example, I am going to start letting my sponsors become a part of entering my giveaways! Therefore, in order to receive extra entries for the giveaways, you have to follow my sponsors via different networks. Not only does this help my blog grow, but it helps their blog grow too. Helping to make their sponsorship worthwhile.
So, in order to enter the giveaway, you make all readers become a follower, like your facebook, follow you on twitter... cover all the networks you want! The more followers/ likes/ follows/ bloggy friends that you get, the more likely you will be able to offer some amazing giveaways! 
There are many different ways to do giveaways. Some bloggers host group giveaways from bloggy friends/sponsors that they've met where multiple people give away ad space, gift cards and so much more. Other bloggers contact companies to see if they will giveaway a product in order to promote their product in the blogging world. You can check out a few giveaways I've offered on my blog here
When I host a giveaway, I use Rafflecopter for readers to enter. It's really easy to use.
There is so much to learn about giveaways, if you ever have a question about hosting or being a part of a giveaway, you can email me and I'd be happy to answer! 

Sponsoring other bloggers costs money sometimes but it is good because it allows you to meet and develop relationships with other bloggers. I also just email other bloggers every now and then to say hi and let them know I like their blog or ask a question about how they do something particular! 

Some bloggers offer swapping Sponsorships where they will swap ad space with you for FREE. This helps promote your blog because the more locations you can be seen, the better! I offer 20 sponsorships swaps on my blog... free ad space! I actually have some availability if you are interested in swapping buttons. You can find my sponsorship page and info here.

Another way to meet bloggers is to pick 5 to 10 blogs.. start commenting on them regularly. I have a few people I have made friends with mostly because they have around the same number of followers and we always comment on each others bloggers, help each other out. The more you develop these blogging relationships, your blog will continue to grow.

This is something that I can be really great at sometimes and other times... I am a total slacker! I would say 4 posts a week is important. The more content your blog has the better! Regular posts keeps your blog readers engaged and tuning in to what is going on! So if you are a recipe blogger, post at least 4 a week. If you are a blogger that posts about all kinds of things... that's great just make sure you are posting regularly and posting things that other people want to read.

Link Up parties are helpful! If you ever share a craft or recipe, link up parties are super easy to find.. The Foley Fam has a list of Link Up Parties to check out. What is a link up party? Well it's a place that you can link up your post or multiple posts so that others can visit. 
I think the most important thing about Link Up Parties is that if you enter one, you should visit a few other people's blogs that have also entered. Leave them a comment about how great their post is and then share that you'd love them to check out your blog at haha. but be genuine. If you don't like their post... don't comment and find a post that you do like to comment on.
I usually host a link up party every Thursday and it's called Spicy Spotlight. You can enter it here!
Some other link up parties that are cool and the new hip thing to do is link up your networks: GFC Hop Every Tuesday & Meet & Tweet Twitter Hop Every Thursday.

I've been slacking on these 5 tips lately because the arrival of my sweet little boy has kept me super busy... but I really feel if you fully engage yourself and dedicate yourself to these five tips.. your blog can grow like crazy! 
Anywho, I hope that helped, and if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email at 
itsjustcalledspicy (at) gmail (dot) com. My blog has been growing like crazy lately but it is all still a work in progress thanks to these five tips. I hope this helps your blog reach new heights!

That's all for today! Thanks for stoppin' by
xoxo. Jen

Friday, October 12, 2012

October Feature: Anima Kinsi & Husband Quote

Hey Everyone, today, my personal friend, Kinsi is going to share an awesome recipe with you. She blogs over at Anima Kinsi and Husband Quote! Stop by and show her some love.. and check out this awesome recipe!
Hey there, Spicy fans!
I’m here once more to lead you on another culinary adventure, except this time, you get to eat it- not read it!
I’m here to show you how to create homemade potato chips with only three ingredients; no frying required!

I whipped these up the other day when my husband was in a funk.  If there’s something that will bring cheer to a stressed-out hubby, it’s buttery, salty, some-are-chewy-and-some-are-crispy POTATOES! 
This is a great way to use up those potatoes that are “on edge” and ready to be used now or else! Waste not, want not.
With only three ingredients, how can you go wrong?

Here’s what you’ll need:

 -          vegetable peeler
-          cutting board
-          knife or mandoline slicer
o A santoku or chef’s knife is prefereable: the bigger, the better for fast and even slicing.
-          paper towels
-          microwavable bowl
-          pastry brush
-          baking sheet(s)
-          spatula
-    potatoes
o   I used 8 baby red potatoes, since that’s what I had on hand.
-          2 Tb unsalted butter
-          kosher salt
Your first step is to peel all of those lovely potatoes.  I wait to preheat the oven until after this step, because it is admittedly the most time-consuming part of the whole process (at least for me).
Don’t worry about getting every single eye out of the potatoes beforehand.  The goal here is just to get the skin off so that your potatoes roast evenly.

Since there is no frying required to get these lovelies all nice and crispy, your oven will need to be hot, hot, HOT for these puppies; about as hot as the 3rd level of Dante’s hell.  Set that bad boy to 500° and get to slicing!
Now it’s time for slicing!  
Since I was working with a smaller potato, I cut them on the diagonal to give the slices more surface area (and a delightful oblong shape).  You’ll want your slices to be about 1/8 in. thick; this is why a mandoline would be nice.  Forgive my archaic ways.
As you cut, lay each slice on top of a paper towel.  I’ve found that 1.5 paper towels = 1 standard household cookie sheet.
Now that you’ve covered your paper towels in potato slices, press another layer of paper towels over the top of them, applying pressure and soaking up any residual moisture.

That’s right- no slimy potatoes allowed.  You want them good and dry so that they crisp up nicely!
Next, melt the butter(a couple tablespoons) in a microwave-safe dish.  Increments of 10-20 seconds will do.
Dip your pastry brush in that liquid gold, and brush a thin, even layer over your baking sheet.  This will help your potatoes to 1) come off of the sheet after baking easily, and 2) crisp and brown on both sides.
 Now it’s time to lay your potato slices out on the baking sheet.  If your slices are uneven because you’re an old-fashioned Neanderthal knife-user like I am, then try to put thicker and larger slices around the edges.  Smaller/thinner slices will cook more slowly in the center.
Guess what we do after placing our slices down? Oh yeah, we brush them with butter! You don’t want so much butter that it’s pooling up on the potatoes- just enough to make them good and shiny!
Now place the pan in the oven.  I find that keeping it on the bottom to middle rack is most effective.  Any higher and they WILL burn.
Keep an eye on them: at 500°, your oven is ready to take a perfectly yummy chip somewhere scary in a matter of minutes.  15 minutes or less will do!
 As soon as they come out of the oven, salt them babies! Take a healthy pinch of kosher salt and hold it up high, sprinkling evenly over the chips.  That hot, bubbly butter layer will hold the salt better than if you season them cold.
Scrap up the chipswith a spatula and…
Voila: a warm plate of simultaneously crispy/tender chips.  I usually make two batches, since my husband doesn’t like to share them very much!
I hope you enjoy!
Don’t be afraid to get creative! These chips are so simple, they beg to be messed with.  Heck, I think a good handful of blue cheese and a sprinkle of hot sauce would be great.  Maybe you can season them with freshly ground pepper.  How about rosemary and lemon zest?

Come visit me over at for more food fun. I will soon start a Meat-Free Friday post! 
Also, feel free to drop by http://husbandquote.blogspot.comif you’re looking for a laugh, and more husband-inspired moments.

<3+ Kinsi

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Noland David Jr.

Noland David Jr. 
Date of Birth: 10/2/2012
9 lbs 14 oz
21.75 inches
He's here and we couldn't be more excited! Our lives have officially changed forever! 
I'm sorry I haven't been around but I've been snuggling with my Nolands (Noland & Noland Jr.) and recovering from a rough delivery. I promise to post some more details and possibly a birth story soon. 
I love the first picture of my sweet husband! This was while I was in labor (I had an epidural) and we were basically having a movie marathon... He was so excited with good reason. He's already an amazing dad! Middle picture is our little guy sporting the Seminoles at one day old!
Next, A picture snuggling with Mommy, and a picture snuggling with Daddy. The picture in the middle is one of my favorites. One morning in the hospital, he just sat and stared at me, with his little hand under his chin. He has definitely stolen a piece of our hearts.

Can you tell we're Orioles fans? This happens to be the week of the Division Series and we were prepared. Little Noland has some awesome Orioles onesies thanks to his dad, and has definitely been sporting them on game days! The middle picture is our first family picture. It's a little blurry due to being an iPhone picture. Hopefully, we'll take some family pictures soon!
That's all for now but I should be getting back to blogging more regularly as I get the hang our being a mom and fully recover. Life is so wonderful, and God is so good and continues to reign down his blessings upon us. 
xoxo. Jen

Monday, October 8, 2012

Group Giveaway thanks to The Dreamy Meadow!

Have you met my friend Katlyn from The Dreamy Meadow
She is hosting this amazing giveaway over on her blog and I decided to post it here for all of my readers so you can enter too! I'm giving away ad space along with the rest of these fabulous bloggers!
The winner will be announced on October 14th! 
Don't forget to stop by The Dreamy Meadow and Thank Katlyn for this amazing giveaway!
Featured Ad Space @ The Dreamy Meadow!
2 months 150x150 Ad Space @ Juggling Act Mama
Medium Ad Space @ Yours Truly!

Medium Ad Space @ A Little Piece of Me!
200x300 Ad Space @ Eat.Enjoy.Live.
Featured Ad Space @ Pursuit of Felicity!
200x200 Ad Space @ Crazy Beautiful Unique!
Small Ad Space @ It's Just Called Spicy!
2 Months 150x200 Ad Space @ A Happy Wife in NOLA!

a Rafflecopter giveaway