
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

St. Therese of Lisieux

Hey Everyone! Today we have a guest post about St. Therese of Lisieux from Beth at the Catholic Couponer! For more about Beth, check out her blog here and her mini-bio at the bottom of this post!
St. Therese has always been one of my favorite saints. When I picked her for my confirmation saint I honestly just always liked the name Teresa and started researching different saints with the name. As I started looking at the list of names St. Therese of Lisieux – The Little Flower just stood out. Maybe because her name was spelled differently than I had ever seen (since she is from France). But after I started doing research on her my mom told me that she was one of my Dad’s FAVORITE saints. I didn't even know until after I had already picked her. As I did research on her I LOVED that St. Therese did small things that ended up making a big impact. As a person that has often felt unheard I really liked that idea. Even now 10 years later I still pray and look to her for guidance. I try to do little things that will make a bigger impact on things. When I help at church I am usually found doing mundane tasks that are "behind the scenes," like cooking, setting up, tearing down, gathering supplies, etc. But if someone doesn't do these tasks what would happen? Since last fall one of the things I have been learning to do is to bring technology into our faith lives. I attended a workshop on it last fall and have blogged about a few of the things I learned in a series I call FAITH 2.0. One of the tools is called Glogster. It is a website you can use to make a digital poster. I have made one on St. Therese using quotes and scripture from A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. I also included a video of the trailer from the movie about St. Therese.  
Glogster can be used in a variety of ways. It is an easy way to make a digital poster that can be printed and shared online about saints, sacraments, events, movies, you name it. There are also many already made glogsters that you can share with others. When you make your account you can set your glogsters for public or private. Next year I want to encourage our confirmation students to make their Saint Project reports in Glogster. I hope you will be encouraged to be like St. Therese and help others in the little ways. How do you help your community in the Little Ways now?
Beth Anne blogs about her two passions: Couponing at The Catholic Couponer and Catholicism, Disney, and just about everything else at Beth Anne's Best. She strives to help her readers learn to save money by couponing so they have extra money to get out of debt, go on a vacation, or give more to the less fortunate. She recently relocated to Florida from Texas and loves exploring her new city, living out her faith, and learning more about Walt Disney World.

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