
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guest Post Palooza: Family Ever After

Today we have Rach H from Family Ever After! Show her some Guest Post Palooza Love! :)
Also, this is the second to last day of Guest Post Palooza! Thank you to all who participated! I'm a married woman and can't wait to be back to blogging in 2 days!
 Hello friends of It's Just Called Spicy! I'm really excited that Jenna asked me to guest post while she's off getting married!!! I LOVE weddings, and wish you the best, most glorious day Jenna!

I'm Rach H, blogging over at Family Ever After. Here's a little more about me and my blog...
I'm just a girl from South Dakota who likes to take pictures, clog dance, run, cook, design, sew, and craft, especially with my 3 kids! Here are a couple things I've recently blogged about.
Speaking of weddings, I just celebrated my anniversary last week!
when i should be cleaning my kitchen... sometimes i get carried away

I made this advent calendar in time for Christmas this year.

We like to part, ugly sweater style!

i really never thought i'd be like my mom and make my own wreaths...
but here i am! ha!

hello bonjour, who isn't obsessed with frenchy things these days? 
i lived in paris during a semester of college. here's my little shrine. c'etait la vie...

I designed this Corpse Bride costume for my daughter this Halloween.

i majored in home ec during college. yup.
i made this little baby graduation cap and gown in between class periods while i was a middle school sewing teacher!

you know you're crazy when you bring your sewing machine to a hotel and make dresses for your children the night before your hubbie's graduation!

Sometimes I have embarrassing ideas, and live to blog about them.

i like to decorate on the cheap.

I recently made this for my favorite season.

i don't come up with many of my own recipes, but there are a handful of keepers. 
my healthy waffles are pretty tasty!

sometimes i just throw things together and call it "good enough." 
as long as they taste good, that's what counts!

i'm a novice gardener, learning as i go. we had a crazy crop of tomatoes this summer, which gave me lots of room for experimenting in the kitchen.

did i mention i really love crafting with my kids?

here are a few of my favorite things...

sunflowers! especially from a field in south dakota!
pretending i know how to take pictures!

Basically, my blog is a big mishmash of my favorite things, mostly crafts, and I try to keep it lighthearted and fun. I love to post tips and tutorials and recipes and crafts.
Feel free to stop by anytime- I love new followers and blogging buds!!!

One more thing, I am starting up a sewing competition in February, based on the show Survivor. I'm lining up some awesome judges and prizes at the moment... more details to come. If you like to sew, make sure you enter!!!
Thanks for reading!
The end.


  1. Cute! I love all Rach H's photos!
    Congrats on getting married, Jenna!

  2. Haha, this is such a cute post and cute pictures!
