
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Barnyard Pancakes

Hey everyone! I got this great pan as a gift at the wedding from two of my bridesmaids! and last night, I made Barn Yard Animal Pancakes for dinner! Yum!
Here is everything you need.. the cute barnyard pan. You can get this at Macy's! & They have a zoo one which I would love to also have! Also pictured above is a "batter bottle"! These are new to the cooking arena but its so smart and easy to pour the exact amount of batter you need and store the left overs!

On Pinterest, they have great ideas to make your own batter bottle, cleaning out an old ketchup bottle and using that like this:
Also with a batter bottle, you can do awesome designs like these:
Amazing right? I think those hearts actually take a lot of patience...
Anyways back to our regularly scheduled program... Batter bottles are awesome. For example, tonight I had left over batter and I was able just to put it in the fridge. Maybe I can make pancakes for the hubs for breakfast sometime this week.
I know some people are super advocates of making things from scratch- which usually that's me... but Bisquick has already mastered pancakes so I always use Bisquick when making pancakes! haha. I mix all the ingredients and pour it in the batter bottle.. Voila!
Make sure to grease the pan.. and fire away. Kids will love these pancakes.. possibly as much as my husband  ;)
and then you have to flip them. I ended up using a butter knife to flip them and gently flipping each one. that's the hard part!
See the cow and the sheep? so cute! It makes eating pancakes that much more yummy!
Serve with some fruit (cantaloupe & grapes) & whip cream... and it almost looks restaurant prepared...
key word: almost
Well I just thought my new kitchen gadgets were neat and wanted to share! You should go purchase your own and let me know what you think... and I'm not getting paid to say that... I just think its that great. I wish I had animals in my pancakes as a kiddo!
Well I'm off to go do some homework! Thanks for stoppin by:
xoxo Jen.
Linking up: