
Monday, January 2, 2012

Guest Post Palooza: Captivated By Grace

Yup Yup! My special treat of a Guest Palooza is still going strong! 
And today I have Erin from Captivated by Grace! Show her some love!

Hello It's Just Called Spicy readers!
I feel so honored to be guest posting over here for Jenna today.
If you don't know already...Jenna is getting married!
I am so excited for her and thrilled to be filling in for the bride today!

+++'s that time of year again. 
Time for the ball to drop, the champagne bottles to pop, and the resolutions to be made

     If you have been following along with me on my blog, you know that I am going through a lot of change right now. My relationship of the past four and a half years came to an end just two weeks before Christmas. To be completely honest with all of you...I am a little freaked by 2012. I am scared of the unknown. Afraid that my comfort zone has been pulled out from under me. Terrified at moving forward with no more plans for the future. I had plans, I had love, and I was ready for anything. Well...God sure had other plans in mind.

    I know that God is working in this situation for my good. I may not understand why this had to happen, or what the purpose is for it all...but I know that one day I will. God will begin to reveal the reason and purpose behind this. He will make sense of it for me. With that, I can find some peace in the moment. 

     Perhaps you are facing a challenging situation as 2012 begins. If you are, I encourage you to talk to God. Ask Him to give you the comfort and strength needed to endure the pain, put one foot in front of the other, and find joy and happiness in the present and the future. I know that God is directing me in the way I should go. I am trusting in His guidance and allowing Him to navigate me through this life. He loves me and wants the best for me. There is happiness in my future! 

I am going to share some of the encouraging bible verses that fellow bloggers shared with me over the past couple of weeks. If you are facing something difficult, I hope they help bring you some hope and peace today. 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
-John 14:27

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
-Proverbs 3:5-6

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you,
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
-Deuteronomy 31:8

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He,
I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
-Isaiah 46:4

He tends His flock like a shepherd.
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart.
-Isaiah 40:10

Trust your life with God.
He will never steer you wrong.
He always works on your behalf.
With this knowledge, we can smile into 2012!

Happy New Year!


 If you would like to talk about something you are going through...please feel free to email me at 


Congratulations Jenna!
Thanks for having me!


  1. Love everything u write Erin! Congratulations on your upcoming marriage Jenna! What a joyous time you are about to embark on!

  2. God will guide you through your trials for he doesn't ever give you more than you can handle. :)
    Congratulations Jenna on your wedding! so exciting!

    New Follower :)
    Breanna xx

  3. love you erin! xoxo so exciting to see you on another blog!

    C |

  4. Thanks for having me Jenna! :) Congrats Newlywed!
