
Friday, April 3, 2015

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Last week I talked about reflections and how much we are all loved. Today, it is so easy to see how that love was put into place. It is Good Friday which is one of the holiest days of the year. On Good Friday, Jesus died for our sins so many years ago. For it is because of Good Friday that we might be given eternal life. Sin and death has been defeated and we should rejoice. However, it is a sad day at the same time as Jesus had to die for us in order that we might be saved.

As Christians we typically spend this day in prayer and fasting while thinking about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. The true horrors that Jesus suffered as a way to save us are documented well in the bible and put into a visual aspect for us on the screen in movies such as The Passion of The Christ. These images allow us to see what Jesus really did for us and all he went through, but the big takeaway is that he died so that we might be saved. So let's make it mean as much as possible.

Jesus died to save us right?

He died to conquer sin and death. He died to give us eternal life. So since he made such a big sacrifice that we might be saved, we should make small sacrifices to help others. Live our lives everyday in order to lead people to his church. Lead by our actions and by doing the right thing as much as humanly possible. Try our best to give up our vices so that other people might see and be drawn to his message. Make our Christian identity our top identity. Make it so if they started throwing people in jail for Christianity that they would have enough evidence to convict all of us. Our primary goal must be to glorify God and to be drawn closer to him. We can glorify him and lead others to him if we try our best to do the right thing. If we do not judge others actions and if we support each other when we fail. To make the most of the ultimate sacrifice we must be the ultimate versions of ourselves. I know I fall far short of this on every occasion, but I am going to try to keep getting better and keep using HIS example as my own. It is my belief and my hope that anyone reading this will do the same and try to make this world a better place.

God's peace and love be with you,


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