
Friday, February 20, 2015

Lenten Sacrifices

Hello everyone! As most of you know by now, Jenna and I are Catholic. We have been cradle Catholics which means we were born Catholic and remained in our faith our entire lives. Catholics currently are celebrating a season of Lent (started this Wednesday with Ash Wednesday) which prepares us spiritually for the death and Resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ. During the season of Lent, it is customary for Catholics to give up something during this season. It can be a commitment to do good, giving up a vice, or just something to try to make you better during this season. The goal is to help you along spiritually. Jenna and I thought that we would share what we are doing during this season.

The first sacrifice we will make is the same sacrifice all Catholics make, no meat on Fridays. It may not seem that difficult, but let me tell you, as a man with Crohn's that already has a limited diet, this is a very difficult task. Here is an article on why Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays during Lent. All Lent long our family will be like the rest of Catholics and not eat meat on Fridays. However, it will be much easier for Noland Jr. than the rest of us!

Our next sacrifice is going to be of our time in an effort to be more spiritual. After discussion, we felt that while we pray everyday, this is an area of our lives we could certainly improve. Jenna and I have decided to give additional time to good during the Lenten season for prayer. We are going to pray a rosary everyday for a different special intention. Since Lent is more than 40 days if you count Sundays, on the Sunday bonus day, we are going to pray for Life. Those prayers for Life will be for an end to abortion and Euthanasia. For the other days, we are going to pray for a different friend or family member of ours. We started this for Noland Jr on Ash Wednesday and for our new baby to come yesterday. Today, we are praying for our nephew, Jase and tomorrow will be for Jack David. Next week, we are praying for my brother's kids each day a different kid. We decided to make a chart of who we wanted to pray for especially. Jenna also plans on making more rosaries during this time because she wants to give kids another outlet for praying this ultimate prayer. Since praying makes you closer to God this seems a very good Lenten promise to make.




Pictured above are some of the rosaries Jenna has made. She will also be posting more designs during the Lenten season on her ETSY Shop!

Finally, we also decided to increase our tithing. By giving up our treasure we will be giving money to God's church. The Catholic Church does a lot of God with the collection money and our money no doubt will be put to good use. Giving more money to church will be difficult during a time when we are trying to save to buy a house, but to he who gives much, much is given in return. It also is just an easy way to do some good during this most precious season.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little about our Lenten Promises. Have a joyous season everyone.
He is nearly Risen!
Rejoice and Be Glad!


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