
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

St. Cecelia

Today's #40daysofsaints guest post about St. Cecelia is written by Jenna (great name, BTW). Jenna blogs over at Call Her Happy. For more info about Jenna you can check out her blog and mini bio at the bottom of this post!
Biography {short and sweet}
Being one of the first Saints, there isn't a ton known about St. Cecilia. Here is what I know: St. Cecilia grew up in Italy and was later forced into marriage with a non-believing man. To put it lightly, she made the best of it, and she was able to convert her new husband as well as his brother. Later, when the men were outed as Catholics, they were put to death, and Cecilia gave them a proper burial. That wasn't looked upon well either, and she was sentenced to death by fire. Cecilia, protected by God, would not succumb to the fire, so they suffocated her. Again protected, they stabbed her in the neck in an attempt to behead her, and she was left to die. Sorry, but it's true. She is considered the patron of musicians because she played the organ on her wedding day as a way of declaring her love for God and asking for His help in the conversion of her husband. Feast Day: November 22 Random Fact: St. Cecilia is my Confirmation namesake. You're welcome.

Ideas for Commemorating
This past November, St. Cecilia's feast day fell on Thanksgiving. I wrote a post at on ways you can celebrate her life during the holiday. Bonus: The ideas are good all year round.
Inspirational Songs
Like most people you ask, I would imagine, I love all kinds of music. Here are a few of my favorite Christian songs in honor of the Patron of Music. You Are More by Tenth Avenue North I can't say that I was always as strong in my faith as I am today. I can't say that I made the best choices in my life. Because I didn't. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I am a sinner just like everyone else. I confessed my sins of pride (because that's what that is, you know?), and this song is a constant reminder that I am more than the sum of my past mistakes. Lead Me by Sanctus Real Whenever I hear this song, I pray for Mike. I think it is a really cool reminder about the roll that God plays in Mike's life and the roll that Mike plays in ours. A real good hubby song. This is the Stuff by Francesca Battistelli You know those days when your husband is away on business and your toddler refuses to take a nap or go to bed and then you just need coffee so you go to the store and get pulled over on the way and start crying uncontrollably in front of the officer and then eat raisins for dinner because you are out of energy and any sort of motivation? Whew. That may or may not have happened to me. This song puts that day in perspective. Oceans Above Ok, not actually a song. But, honestly, anything by this band I love. But just be careful. There is a death metal band by the same name. Don't download that cd. You've been warned. Anyway, Oceans Above reminds me of a Christian Postal Service. Mucho Love. If I Was Jesus by Paul Coleman Super fun song that always makes me happy when I hear it. It kind of makes Jesus into an even more relate-able person by breaking down his life into really simple terms. I don't know. It's just really fun. 
Jenna is a former high school English teacher turned stay-at-home-mom from the Midwest. She spends her days taking care of her daughter and her uterus baby while freelancing and creating content for her blog, Call Her Happy. She wouldn't mind if you joined her.

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