
Saturday, October 22, 2011

I was given "The Versatile Blogger Award"

So excited and so thankful that I was given the Versatile Blogger award from Pinkapotamus! You are awesome & I am just beyond thankful!
So now, its my turn to share the rules of the award: 7 things about me and  pass on the award to 15 bloggers!

7 Fun Facts about me:
1. Baseball is my favorite sport and I'm watching the World Series as I type this. I am a Baltimore Orioles fan and I also love the Texas Rangers so GO RANGERS!
2. I am a neat freak. I think I may have a phobia of messes... I know it sounds weird right but I can't stand sitting in a messy room. I feel bad but its just the way I am... I would love to be a professional organizer of other people's stuff haha.
3. My birthday is June 9.. and I will be 24... 
4. When I have kids, I want their birthdays to be in the Fall or Spring so they can be at school with their friends and celebrate. I'm thankful for the gift of life and a birthday but it was always a downer that I never got to celebrate my b-day at school. hahaha. Random? I know.
5. My favorite colors are pink and orange but I also really like grays and yellows.
6. My favorite animal is an elephant, I also enjoy elephant accessories like jewelry with an elephant on it... or something. 
7. I am addicted to pinterest. Its a serious problem. I get on it during class at grad school sometimes.. I know, its horrible.. but they just have so many amazing ideas.. "I wish I would have thought of that"

15 bloggers that I am awarding with the Versatile Blogger award
"and the award goes to":
Victoria @ Marie Tea

That's all for now... 
xoxo Jen.


  1. First off, thanks for the award!!!

    Secondly, wow we have a lot in common! I'm watching the Rangers as I type this reply!, I'm also a neat freak, My birthday is June 1st so we are close! but I'm 31 ick!, My fav colors are definitely orange and pink with gray and yellow receiving honorable mention, and finally, I need to join a support group for pinterest addiction. It's awful.

    It was fun getting to know you!!



  2. Thank you so much for the award, Jenna! I'm a total Pinterest fiend, too. Like stay up waaaay too late because I can't peel my eyes away kind of fiend. lol! :)

  3. thank you, gorgeous!
    have a great weekend!!! xo

  4. Aww - thanks for the award Jenna! I'm a big Rangers fan too... which is why I almost cried tonight and might cry if I don't stop thinking about it. Whatever. Tomorrow will be better! But thanks so much for the award! : )

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist

  5. Thank you so much! : ) So excited to have met you! You made my night! : )

  6. Thanks so much Jenna, I will definitely be paying it forward.
