
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cup of Coffee Cake (in 5 minutes)

Well if you are like me, there are times when you get those crazy cravings at 7:30pm-ish/an hour or 2 after dinner time... for something sweet. Noland, my fiance, is more of an ice cream man but I'm a cake lady myself.. Cake is my favorite! so I found this lil cup of joy..and decided to share!
of course, I topped off mine with some Cookies and Cream ice cream... yum
This literally took no longer than 5 minutes and it was so delicious.. 
for the cake:
1 tablespoon of butter
2 tablespoons of sugar
I used 1/2 an egg (this is optional)
2 tablespoons of sour cream
a few drops of vanilla
1/4 cup of flour
1/8 tablespoon baking powder

crumbly topping:
1 tablespoon of butter
2 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1. Grab your coffee cup and add a table spoon of butter.. put it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds and soften.. Don't melt.
2. Stir in 2 tablespoons of sugar
3. Now add some egg. This is optional because without egg, it's more crumbly and less cake-y. I broke the egg in half (if you are making 2, this works well because you can split the egg between 2 cups)
4. Then stir in 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a few drops of vanilla
5. Stir in 1/4 cup of flour and 1/8 teaspoon of baking powder

And for the crumbly topping...
1. In a separate cup, add 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
Smoosh this all together with your fingers...or a fork
Now to cook...
When you ingredients are all mixed up. Add the crumb topping to the mixture.
Now I put mine in the microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds... give or take
I moved mine to another coffee cup so you could see the cake-y-ness of it.
I also topped mine off with a scoop of ice cream.. yummy goodness.
and there you have it...
Oh.. and shout out to Prudent Baby who invented this magical deliciousness
& a few clarifications:
- it is safe to cook egg in the microwave, even if only for a a few minutes
- you can use yogurt instead of sour cream.. Not everyone has sour cream laying around the house.
Thanks for stoppin' by...
xoxo Jen.
Linking Up: 


  1. Looks sooooo yummy! Def wanna try!

  2. This looks so delicious and I love the fact that it only takes 5 minutes to make! I would love for you to share this at our link party going on right now. Hope to see you there!
    New follower,

  3. Yum! I am a bad mom and did not buy a easy bake oven, instead I look for posts like this for my kids to bake in the microwave instead! LOL

  4. So much fun for a quick fix on a cold night :) Love it and will definitely be tying in the near future!

  5. Now following! I love to share recipes :) I am a new blogger so hop on over and check my recipes!

  6. I've been there like you craving a yummy cake but too tired to go and bake a whole cake. Thanks for posting this, it looks delicious. Will have to give it a try soon.

  7. I think my tummy rumbled when I saw the pictures... yummy! thanks for sharing! New follower via Cherished Bliss. (love the story of how you got the blog name) Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Love the pictures from your 1st bridal shower. The bride figurine at the front entrance is so elegant! Take care,

  8. This looks so yummy and so easy! thanks for sharing!
    i found you on foodie fridays.
    I make a lava cake in a mug that is low cal! check it out!
    I am your newest follower!
