
Friday, July 24, 2015

What's It Like To Be A Parent?

The question I get asked the most would definitely be some form do you enjoy being a parent?

My answer is typically the same....I Love It!

There are not a lot of things that are quite like being a parent, like being a father. Sure, there are coaches, teachers, and bosses that sometimes take on that parent role. Sometimes it is even the older sibling that does it, but that parent relationship goes a step further. As a coach and a teacher I can be like a parent, especially to those that do not have great ones, but it is not quite the same. That is not to discount the work coaches and teachers do, I am both and I don't think there are many higher callings, but parenthood is one.

So why do I love it so much?

Being a parent brings so much more joy into my life. Being able to share everything with my family. Helping them grow. Watching them grow. Being there for them. Seeing them want you to be there for them. Seeing them take after you while developing their own personalities. Seeing them admire you and try to be just like you. Seeing them seek out your approval on everything (I know this comes in a different form when they are older, but it is still there). Helping them to become productive members of society. Helping to lead them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A quality teacher or coach can be all of these, but the impact of the parent is amplified especially as the primary educator of the child.

Sure, there are difficult times, as there is with anything in life, we are imperfect beings after all. There are times of disappointment, tantrums, pity parties, poor listening skills, and much more. However, these times are so incredibly outweighed by the good. Those times also allow you to understand what the child still needs to grow. Every good thing in life is amplified to the extreme with kids, and every bad thing in life is put into perspective. It is just amazing.

It is incredible to have some little person want to be amazed and filled with wonder. There is nothing quite like trying to see the world through their eyes. See the world with such anticipation, with such curiosity. These children are so excited to go through the day and so much fun. Seeing places like Disney World are 100x more exciting with kids. Sure, they are fun to do on their own, but so much better with children. You can't even describe the joy that it brings you to see them so happy.

The last thing having a child does for me at least is it helps me to love my family more. It expands my heart. You never knew you could love something like that until you have one of your own. Knowing I created that child with my wife and creating that child makes me love her on a whole different level. My love is amplified for all, but especially my child, my wife, and my parents. I appreciate my parents so much more since I have had kids of my own. Knowing that they were filled with such love really puts everything into perspective. It allows me to see how much they have loved me. Truly, I feel that my parents love me more now than I could have ever dreamed of growing up. All the sacrifices are so much more noticeable and the love is too. It makes me really love and appreciate all people that much more.

We recently welcomed our 2nd child as I shared last week, and some photos are below of our two adorable kids.
 Our fun family of four!
 Baby Eli!
 Parenthood is so much better with an awesome partner by your side.
 My boys love each other
 And their daddy loves them
Ready to take on the world
 Who seriously looks this good after giving birth, I am pretty sure just my wife and the blessed virgin.
 They love sharing life with you
 It's your job to allow them to swing for the fences
While helping them grow.

This whole entry and what it is like being a parent really is perfect for today. That is because today is my mom's birthday. My mother is the hardest working person I have ever met and that sacrifice really helped my sister, my brothers, and I. She is a terrific grandparent and I can only imagine how much joy she was filled with when she saw my brother and I start families of their own. I imagine that is a whole different level of happiness seeing your family expand even more. Love your parents and tell them how much you appreciate them. If you don't have kids of your own, trust me when I say that your parents love and care for you a whole heck of a lot.

Eli Thomas and Noland David, your mom and dad love you more than you will ever know. Well, more than you will know until you have kids of your own at least.


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