
Friday, May 18, 2012

Big News: It's a...

So I've been waiting to make the announcement in hopes that we could take some type of fun pictures... 
due to lack of time and energy, we haven't taken any... 
but here is one picture from our last ultra sound:
This picture doesn't show the baby's bottom half but
We are pretty excited! Both hubs and I were blessed by the presence of older brothers in our lives. It's neat to think that this little guy is going to be an older brother to little ones down the road. 
Secondly, the hubs loves sports and super heroes. He even has a blog about sports news here! He is pretty excited about having a son to share those two loves with. 
Last night, was Noland's sports banquet. One of the students and his family got us a gift basket of Seminole baby items! My mom also bought the sweet little one an outfit when we were visiting this past weekend. Here's what we got: 
 so cute!
Mommy's MVP
close up.
Seminole bib!
Can't wait to officially meet the little guy at the end of September. I'm 21 weeks this week! I'll post some belly pictures soon! :)
That's all for now! 
xoxo Jen.
Linking Up: 


  1. Yay! Congrats! I want to see those belly photos momma!

  2. Aww Congrats! GO NOLES! Im 15 weeks :)


  3. Congrats! Boys are so fun!


  4. CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to see him! What a gorgeous day - and I love your blog!

  5. Oh...YAY!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oxoxo

  6. Congratulations!!! Just visiting from the hop and am now following you. I would love to invite you to link up to Freedom Fridays. So hoping to see your talent there!

  7. eee congratulations!! i love little boys- so sweet! found you via the wiegands :)
