
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valentines Pins!

Its almost Valentines Day.
I'm quite a sucker for the mushy, gooey, lovey stuff.
So today, I'm sharing some of my favorite Valentine pins from Pinterest!
this is soo cute! make a 3D card!
don't these look yummy
Printable Valentines!
cute decor for Valentines Day
Valentines wreath! so cute! 
I'm totally doing this one day if I have a son!
Red Velvet brownies.. Yum. Technically you could make these anytime but so yummy as a Valentines treat!
Did I mention the white chocolate butter cream frosting? omgosh!
Make your own Valentines! 
Cute & affordable! What a fun craft for a kid!
and this is my favorite. Such a cute decor. I hope to have time to make this one day!
And my favorite song right now... I feel like its pretty Valentines Day-ish.
All your Life by The Band Perry!
That's all I got for now! 
Thanks for stoppin by, if you are new, 
be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back!
xoxo Jen.
Linking Up:


  1. OH! Love these! Those red velvet brownies…how can I justify making them…before v-day? :) Great pins. THank you so much for linking up! :)

  2. Those "oreos" look soo good! Ughhh I want one!

  3. I love that kid with kisses all over his face :)

  4. I love all of these ideas! And red velvet brownies?! yummm
