
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Lane!

Last night, in celebration of Noland's (my fiance') Christmas break starting.. We went to Brandon, FL then Dover, FL to check out Christmas Lane! Very Cool. 
Here's some pictures from Christmas Lane:
Here was the entry sign (:
Christmas Lane is in Dover, FL. You park and walk through. Its pretty neat especially for kids. They have a walk-through area with Santa, a little train ride for kids and live music entertainment.
This is the house that Christmas Lane is located at. So pretty with all the lights!
This was the gigantic tree they had there... It was beautiful! Sorry the picture is a little blurry.
& here is some cool info about the tree:
so crazy.
 The Nativity Scene. so pretty... Love this.
and they had a salute to the armed forces
Christmas Lane was a cool place.
...and then we went to a gated neighborhood in Brandon, FL which was open for people to drive through and look at the lights. Almost every house had lights. It was pretty neat...
Here's some pictures:
this was one of my favorites ^^
a little blurry.. a precious moments Nativity scene.
another Nativity. so pretty.
It was so fun! Gosh, I love Christmas! You should "google" Christmas lights in your area. 
That's all I did and found these great locations!
Alright, well now, Noland & I are watching "The Year without a Santa Clause"... 
Will be having a Christmas give-away soon! Stay Tuned! 
Thanks for stoppin by! I'd love to hear about your Christmas lights experiences!
xoxo Jen.