
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ways to Help Ensure Success

There has been a meme being shared online about what leads people to be successful. Most of that meme is stuff that I whole heartedly agree with. However, there is some of it that I disagree with. Success can be measured in multiple ways after all. Certainly there are things one can do to make themselves more successful and on the other hand, there are things they can do to make themselves less successful though. All of that being said, here are some surefire ways to make yourself more successful in life.

1) Exercise Often
Exercising makes you happier by giving you increased dopamine levels. That dopamine chemical releases happy feelings in your body.
Exercise helps you sleep better. It is proven to help keep you more awake during the day and asleep at night.
Exercising at least 30 min a day greatly reduces the risk of heart disease. 60 minutes is even better. Play 60 is a real legit thing. Regular exercise also helps you live longer and stave off other chronic diseases like diabetes.
Exercise has even been linked to boosting the size of the hippocampus according to numerous studies.
Finally, exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels.
There are numerous other benefits to exercise. We are just scratching the surface here.

2) Embrace Change
The world is constantly changing and we should be too. We should be evolving daily and embracing the inevitable change in our lives. If we are struggling to do that, we likely could be struggling in life. Embrace the change around you assuming it is positive change and learn to adapt to new environments. Being adaptable will make you more successful. People that are set in their ways, could often be set in the wrong ways. Things do not operate the same today as they did 20 years ago.

3) Commit to Your Goals
If you set a goal it is to better yourself. Follow through on your goals. Do not be one of those people that makes a resolution only to break it a week later. Your resolutions and your goals are to better you. Be the best you that you can be and commit to those goals. Achieve them.

4) Do Not Gossip
Do not talk about other people's business. What do you get out of it? Seriously, what is the point of talking about other people unless it is positive or to that person?
There is zero point. You don't feel better about yourself. If you gossip you are just telling other's about an uncomfortable situation somebody is in. Imagine that person finding out....Imagining them never finding out and you just talking behind their back. There is no point in doing this.

5) Do not trash others
When you trash others it is similar to using gossip, but could be more extreme. I am going to get more specific here. We gain nothing by trashing the loved ones of others too them. We also gain nothing by trashing our loved ones. If their are marital issues for example, go to therapy. Do not air your problems for the world to see. Do not trash your spouse, or someones parent, or their sibling, or their friend, or their spouse. Now, if their is some truth you need to tell them about that person, you can tell  them privately and proceed with caution. Just know that these situations typically do not end well. However, if it does come to that drastic point where you need to lay down a truth bomb, you will have a lot more credibility assuming you aren't constantly trashing others.

6) Have someone you can vent to
It is not good to talk poorly about someone, but it also is bad to keep everything bottled up. That's why I said for problems with a marriage you should go to therapy. If your problems are not with a spouse and not as severe, have that person where you can vent to each other. Most the time, that could be your spouse. Just don't always be negative and don't vent to everybody.

7)Have someone to hold you accountable
We need others to hold us accountable for our actions. People to challenge us to be better. It is important to be challenged in life and improve daily. We need at least one person in our lives to help us do that. Hopefully we surround ourselves with people that make us better and hold us accountable. After all, our goal should always be to be the best we can be.

8) Take Responsibility
Constantly blaming others is a good way to ensure that nobody will want to work with you. We need people to work with us in life. It is important to acknowledge our mistakes and work to rectify them. We do not need to use negative talk or even apologize, but we do need to own our mistakes. Something like "I appreciate the hard work that everyone put in and will make sure that I do a better job next time" should suffice.

9) Become a Life Long Learner
This goes along with the embracing change I already talked about in some ways. Learn what is changing, learn what you can do to better yourself, learn about something which you have no idea about. Learning is a lifelong process and we should never stop doing this.

10) Genuinely Interact With Others
Albert Einstein once famously said "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." I fear that we have come to that time and our world is at a tipping point. Hopefully, people start to realize this and communicate more with actual people. We need human interaction. It is a wonderful thing. Sharing ideas, especially with those with whom we disagree is essential. This past election casts doubt on the fact that we can do this. Both sides shouting at each other and calling each other idiots. Placing blame. We need to exchange ideas though in order to better our planet. Hopefully, we can do that still.

Hope you enjoyed those little points...Now for me to improve on following all these as well. Until next time.
